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keiko mukaide
public art commissions

Living wall
Maryhill Health centre in Glasgow, collaborate with Ronnie Watt 2014

Living wall from side
Maryhill Health centre in Glasgow, collaborate with Ronnie Watt 2014

Living Wall close
Maryhill Health centre in Glasgow, collaborate with Ronnie Watt 2014

Cloud, look up
Maryhill Health centre in Glasgow, collaborate with Ronnie Watt 2014

Cloud look up
Maryhill Health centre in Glasgow, collaborate with Ronnie Watt 2014

Cloud close up
Maryhill Health centre in Glasgow, collaborate with Ronnie Watt 2014

Measuring room.jpg
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Clinical Genetics Centre 2013

Transporter, People's History Galleries, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery 2012

Transporter, entrance feature with Ronnie Watt, People’s History Galleries, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery 2012
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